“my great-great-grandchildren already rich”

My great-great-grandchildren already rich
That's a lot of brown chi'r'en on your Forbes list


When I heard Beyonce rap those lyrics, I choked up. It was like a dream I’d never been able to completely articulate until I heard it come out of her mouth. A few years ago, it wasn’t even a dream that I would have considered. Now, it feels like I just got marching orders.

When I started my business, I didn’t even have kids. I was just thinking about making more money and working less. I was imagining traveling the world with my husband and getting to sleep in and work when I wanted to and all that. Then, six months after starting my business, I got pregnant. Even then, I wasn’t thinking about changing my children’s future, I was thinking about changing their present! I was hoping to just be able to pay their daycare bill on time every month. Maybe take them on a few vacations. Start saving for their college funds.

When I hit seven figures, that was the first thing I handled. Vacations, big house, private schools, college funds. My kids are living a childhood that is drastically different from the one I lived.

Now, I’m thinking about their futures. Their kids. Their kids’ kids. I’m seeing a world where my legacy is prosperity, where I have started the snowball of generational wealth that will keep building long after I’m gone.

There’s so much out there about what it looks like to make millions. Fancy jets. Birkin bags. Louboutins. Never having to work. Fancy hotel sheets. That stuff is great, but after a while it’s like one never-ending Instagram feed of the “dream” life. Personally, I love waking up in a five-star hotel in Paris as much as the next girl, but after about a week, I’m bored and ready to get working.

One of my goals with my business, with my brand and with the content I put out is to show you what it’s actually like, being a woman of color, mother of four (!!), and seven-figure business owner. Let’s be honest, there’s not a lot of Birkin bags lying around at my house. The only bags I give a shit about right now are diaper bags.

Listen, if seven figures was just about first class travel and drinking Cristal like some cheesy music video from the 90’s, it wouldn’t be worth the hard work it takes to get there. Seven figures gives you the ability to transform. Transform your life (hire that personal trainer, get out of debt, travel the world), transform your family (private schools, pay off your mom’s house, pick up your kids everyday after school), transform your net worth (real estate, mutual funds, compound interest), transform your legacy. Let’s all take a page from Queen Bey and start earning money for our great-great-grandchildren.


PS: Whenever you’re ready, here are three ways my team and I can help you grow your business this year:

1. Join the Hello Seven Group and connect with women entrepreneurs who are scaling too. This is our new Facebook community where badass women learn to get more income, impact, and independence. Click here to join.

2. Save the date—August 20, 2018. You want to double your revenue but you don’t know what to focus on. If you don’t know off the top of your head EXACTLY what you should be focusing on, you are wasting time spinning your wheels, or working on everything a little bit instead of CRUSHING a few things. If you need help figuring it out, join me for the Hello Seven Incubator. Register Here.

3. Are you tired of working hard all the time? Do you feel like you are sacrificing your family time and your own well-being for your business? And yet still somehow you are not making the money you want to make nor having the massive impact on the world that you know you are meant to have? My team and I can help. Book a free call and let us show you a way simpler strategy for real success (that means money, time, AND impact). Apply here.


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