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There Is No Growth in Being Comfortable

050 There Is No Growth in Being Comfortable

When you start anything, whether you’re getting a business off the ground, or just trying a new exercise routine, you’re going to experience some level of discomfort. And, obviously, that doesn’t always feel great. However, we need to start thinking about discomfort in a different way.

I hear from people in The Club saying, “I’m uncomfortable because there are seven-figure entrepreneurs in this group, and who am I to be in here with them?” But if that sounds like you, I want to stop you right there because this kind of discomfort is exactly what you need right now.

Tune in this week to discover why the discomfort of trying to shine in a group of accomplished people is something that you should embrace, and not shy away from. I’m sharing why there is no growth in being comfortable, and how you have way more control over the wealth you generate than you might believe right now.

Do you want to be part of million-dollar conversations every day? We Should All Be Millionaires: The Club is my online membership community for non-conforming badasses in business. It’s a virtual gym except instead of building muscle you build wealth and get into the best financial shape of your life! It’s time to make million-dollar decisions – join the club now!

What You'll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why there is no growth in comfortable spaces.
  • How to use uncomfortable situations as an opportunity to learn and grow.
  • Why I know, for sure, you have more ability to generate wealth than you think.
  • How we’ve created a completely unique environment over here at Hello Seven with The Club.
  • Why diversity in your business and your surroundings will always provide inspiration.

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I want you to understand that you have so much more control over generating wealth than you think. You have so much more ability to generate wealth than you think. And being visible and being seen and asking for what you want and asking for the business is a big part of that.

Welcome to the Hello Seven Podcast. I'm your host, Rachel Rodgers, wife, mother of four children, a lover of Beyoncé, coffee drinker, and afro-wearer, and I just happen to be the CEO of a seven-figure business. I am on a mission to help every woman I meet become a millionaire. If you want to make more money, you are in the right place. Let's get it going.

Hello friends. I just got back from a run. I have decided that I want to become a runner. I’m using the Peloton app and an Apple watch and running, trying to do two to three times a week using the app. And it’s just interval training, so it’s like you do something really uncomfortable for a while and then you pause, and you can walk a little bit. And then you do really uncomfortable shit again, and then you pause and you walk a little bit. Interesting, not unlike growing a business and what we’re doing in this group.

So, very excited to talk to you guys, and I see that there’s been lots of discussion about group size, so I wanted to address that, and a couple of things. I have a lot of exciting things to tell you, I’m just sort of slowly rolling it out.

So a few things, one, I want you guys to think about discomfort in a different way. Discomfort, there’s a difference between discomfort and pain, so let me be clear about that. If you’re experiencing prolonged discomfort or really long term intense pain, that is something you should run away from, I’m not suggesting you should lean into that.

But when it’s discomfort, that’s a good thing, so when you guys are posting and saying, “I’m uncomfortable because there are seven figure entrepreneurs in this group and who am I to be with them?” And I’m like, “What do you mean, who are you to be with them? You absolutely have every right to be here.” Take up space. You deserve to be in this space. And this is an unprecedented thing.

I’ve had people messaging me, seven figure entrepreneurs messaging me that I’ve masterminded with before who are in this group and entrepreneurs who are newer. And the general consensus, especially among the more experienced, more seasoned entrepreneurs that are making lots of revenue, this space is unprecedented.

And typically when you have a space where you’ve got super successful entrepreneurs, and newer entrepreneurs, the super successful entrepreneurs are like, “Well, I can’t be bothered.” And that is not what you have here.

You guys have something that I wish I had when I was first starting my business, which is a space where I could be brainstorming and masterminding with entrepreneurs at every level, with entrepreneurs of every different background. With entrepreneurs who are Black, and Hispanic, and Latina and every background, and queer, and non-binary. Where I’m learning from a truly diverse group, you guys, the more diverse the table is, the better the ideas that come from it.

So there is a massive opportunity here that I want to make sure that you guys aren’t missing. And it’s something that I so desired as a new entrepreneur to be able to, and it’s like, do you know where I got it? Twitter. So if you think this group is too big, I want you to imagine me as a brand new baby entrepreneur on Twitter with millions of people and trying to connect with people. And I did, I did connect with people, I did make friends, I did make colleagues that then wound up being people I could call on the phone, or I could send a DM to when I was struggling.

Having the feedback of entrepreneurs at all these different levels who have the experience of all these different industries, that is a blessing, you guys. And I don’t want you to miss that. If you decide it’s not for you, it’s not for you. That’s cool. I’m not suggesting that you have to love it here. But I want to make sure you’re not missing how amazing it is, that this group is what it is. So that’s one thing.

The other thing that I wanted to share is during my run, so, Robin Arzon is a Peloton instructor. And so during my run she was saying, “I know you think these next intervals, you can’t do it or you feel like the breaks are getting too short in between and you’re wanting to give up.” She was like, “But trust me, the body can do what the mind thinks it can.” And I was like, “Damn, that’s good; I’ve got to share with the schmillies.”

Robin will be coming with a gem, so if you guys don’t use the Peloton app, you all should use it for your workouts, especially with Robin. I mean all of them are basically like life coaches, but Robin in particular is one of my favorites.

So anyway, she’s always dropping gems and I really would – what I took from that in the midst of my run is, I can do so much more than I think I can. And so I need to just go and do it and stop thinking about it, and overanalyzing it, and wondering. Because we live in a hilly area and so I don’t have flat land to run on.

And I’m learning to become a runner but I’m learning to become a runner going up and down hills because I don’t really have a lot of flat land access to close by. And so I was just making that mean that I shouldn’t have to work as hard or that I can’t do another interval because I just went up this hill. I had all these reasons in my head and when she said that I was like, “Oh, I’m full of shit and I need to just go do it.” And let’s find out, let’s find out if I can do it, let me just try.

So all of that to say, it made me think about as I was coming to the end of my run that the discomfort you feel shining in front of a larger group of people is exactly the discomfort I want you to feel. I want you to feel that discomfort and unless it’s a debilitating thing that requires therapy or something like that, if it’s not to that extent or whatever, then I want you to really lean into that, because that was something that was really important for me.

Trust me, I spent many years in my business hiding behind my laptop and being on Twitter because I didn’t have to have my face be seen. I was embarrassed. I didn’t feel like I looked good enough, or cool enough, or polished enough. I didn’t dress that well or whatever stupid excuses I had in my head, or I gained too much weight, because I used to have this horrific relationship with my body. And so I would always, always try to hide and guess what, the more I hid the less money came my way.

I want you to understand that you have so much more control over generating wealth than you think. You have so much more ability to generate wealth than you think. And being visible, and being seen, and asking for what you want, and asking for the business is a big part of that. So I really want you guys, while we are in this group, in this larger space to really put yourself out there. Get out on Broadway and show us what you’ve got. Share your pics, share your thoughts, ask for what you want on Sundays when it’s self-made Sunday, ask for the business.

Learn how to put yourself out there, learn how to pitch yourself, learn how to get comfortable being uncomfortable, because that is where the growth is at. There will be no growth if you don’t put yourself in an uncomfortable space. So if you’ve been accustomed to joining spaces where you feel super comfortable, then this is your opportunity and I want to challenge you to invite discomfort into your life so that you can push yourself to that next level. And really find out what else you can do, what else you are made of, what else can you accomplish?

It’s exactly what you guys, you guys, I know you believe this. You know how I know this? Because you all cheered me on when I tried to do something ridiculous and impossible, which is have a million dollar month. And you guys believed in it and me and you were all like, “Listen, do it, put yourself on Facebook Live, share it everywhere, we encourage you, we support you, we’re helping you do it.” So now I want you to bring that same energy to your own goals and to what you need and put yourself out there and ask for it.

Because I’m going to tell you, it is amazing how much we will miss out on in life because we’re worried about what somebody thinks. And I really want to encourage you guys to be okay with. Somebody’s not going to like it. I have to tell you, my platform has grown significantly in the last 60 days.

And so now I’m on a bigger stage, and I’m getting a lot of PR and every time, you know, I was talking to a reporter yesterday and she asked me some questions. And I was like, “Damn, I really want to think about how I answer these questions.” Because I have no idea how it’s going to show up in that article. And if it’ll be spun in a way that’s not what I really mean or there’ll be a lot more people who know about me and what I believe, and decide they hate me.

There are even people who are like, “How dare you have a million dollar month in the middle of a pandemic, who do you think you are?” And that was one of the journalist’s questions. And so I want you to just remember who you are, lean into yourself, trust yourself. If there’s anything we are here to do in The Club is to learn how to trust ourselves more, learn how to believe in ourselves and our abilities more.

And be okay with people not liking it and be okay with people loving it. Because that is what you probably really are afraid of is everyone will love it and everyone will find out how amazing you are. And then you’ll have to keep doing it. And that’s not even true. So anyway, I hope that this is encouraging to you guys. I want you to lean into the abundance of it all.

Alright, so that said, we do – Natalie and I just spent a lot of time yesterday and we’ve been talking about it over the last few weeks. We are mapping out a whole experience for The Club. So there are more things that we’re going to be rolling out. So you don’t want to miss it, stick around with us because trust me, there is some really amazing juicy content coming your way. There may be more things added to the schedule soon.

We’re doing a retreat for The Club in September, and one of the things that we want to do is plug in some milestones. So for those of you that are with us for six months or 12 months, there are certain benefits that you unlock at certain levels. And so this is currently mapping out and we’ll be rolling out pretty soon. So there are more ways in which we will be supporting you and holding you. So just know that that is coming.

And the other thing I want to say too, for those of you who – my connection was bad for a second, I’m back. There are accountability groups that you guys can create.

And here is the thing; the first one that I saw was our Michiganders, a shout to you all. There was a couple of them, they were based in Michigan, they were like, “Here’s the time we’re meeting. We’ve got this many people, we’ve got room for one or two more. Before you message us about this understand that we are serious, you have to show up on a weekly basis. You have to participate, be ready to be there, this time needs to work for you as a meeting time every week.”

And I loved that, just being very clear on the expectations of how we’re going to get together, how we’re going to meet, what makes sense. And ask for what you need, if you want a smaller group this is a beautiful place to do that. So I encourage you guys to do that, have a creation energy. This is something Natalie is always talking about, victim versus creator. And let’s be clear, there are plenty of places, like our government, is all victimizing us and our children right now, which I want to get out my pitchfork and just go fucking burn it all down. So I’m not talking about that.

But I’m talking about places where you are in control; decide how you want to show up. Do I want to show up as a victim of my circumstances? Or do I want to show up as a creator that’s making amazing things? So even posting and saying, “Hey, I feel uncomfortable and here’s what I need,” that is showing up as a creator. You’re asking for what you need, you’re creating circumstances where you can get your needs met.

And that is beautiful and it is so uncomfortable, especially for the women among us and especially it can be very uncomfortable for Black women because this is not a fucking safe world for us, let’s be honest. It’s been very uncomfortable and beyond uncomfortable, it’s been horrific. And so remember, we have all of that built into how we work. And that can affect how we’re showing up every day and how we show up in communities like this, how we show up in our daily lives and whether we ask for things or not.

I had to learn how to become somebody who asks for what I want. And it’s still uncomfortable to this day. You all probably see me as this truth teller, who’s a loud mouth and says whatever she wants. There are so many times where I don’t do that because I’m shook. So trust me, this is a daily battle, this is not something that’s resolved at one time. But I personally believe that you are in the right place.

And I think there is really no other better place that I could think of that I would refer you to on the internet that could support you the way that The Club is supporting you. And that gives you access to this amazing community and entrepreneurs at every level.

And one of the things that we’re going to be rolling out to you is the Hello Seven growth scale which we have shared that with our masterminders. We haven’t shared it with you guys yet. We’re actually updating it and sort of creating the version 2.0 of it. But it will help you sort of find yourself on the scale and say, “Okay, where am I at within my business?”

And then based on where you’re at in your business it’ll show you what are the things I need to be working on in my personal life, in my business life, where am I needing to challenge myself? What kind of million dollar decisions do I need to be making? What different types of million dollar behavior do I need to engage with? What do I need to think about in terms of team? What do I need to think about in terms of marketing?

And so I’m so excited to share this resource with you guys soon. But just know that there is so much more coming, so stick around because you don’t want to miss it, and you don’t want to have FOMO. And we hear you and listen, we are up in this group every day listening to everything that is going on and supporting you, and responding and talking about the discussions. Even if we’re not responding, even if we hadn’t responded exactly to your conversation, trust me, as a coaching team, we are discussing it.

And we’re every day – what we are doing every day is finding ways to make this space serve you better. So just know that and we love you. Have a beautiful day and for those of you who did – I want to give everyone a FOMO. But for those who committed to the annual, we’re doing our first of two of the bonus workshop, Build Your Own Bank in just a little while. So I’m really excited for that. So I will see you all then.

And if you haven’t, get out there, manage your stress, manage your discomfort by moving your body, I have to tell you. And I say this every time, you all know I’m not a size four, I’m not like a perky little like yoga girl.

And no shame to perky little yoga girls but that is what we put out there as an image of who can be athletic and who can engage in physical activity. Trust me, we all need it, if you are human you need it. And so do it in whatever way works for you. And even if movement is not something that’s on the table for you right now, meditation, how can you calm your mind and how can you basically cross train is what I see it as.

So how can you cross train and be working your mind and managing your stress levels, because stress levels are very high right now. And so I know when I’d like – I didn’t work out yesterday and I had a shitty day, to be honest. And I had a splitting headache most of the day.

So this is, again, where I could say, “Well, I’m a victim of this headache and I’m a victim of this pandemic. And I’m a victim of this shitty world that we live in and racism,” and all of those things. And that could be true, and where is my power? Where do I have power and where can I make a powerful move and get to a place where I feel good? So alrighty, I’m going to leave you all to it. Talk to you soon. Bye, guys.

Want to be part of million dollar conversations every day? We Should All Be Millionaires: The Club is my online membership committee for non-conforming bad asses in business. It’s like a virtual gym except instead of building muscle you build wealth and get into the best financial shape of your life. The benefits of becoming a member are plenty. You get direct access to me and the Hello Seven team for a tiny fraction of what it usually costs to hire us.

All the goods we’re known for like money mindset coaching, systems for automating your marketing efforts and acquiring 300 to 500 new leads every month. Systems for leveraging your intellectual property, access to business and legal advisors who can answer your questions, this is a champagne package on a kombucha budget, friends. You get to hang with ambitious bosses, leaders, millionaires and millionaires in the making. So all that power and golden money dust can rub off on you.

Make million dollar decisions instead of broke ass decisions, shift your behavior and earn exponentially more than you currently do. Get all the details and get up in the club. Go to now.

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