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Hello Seven with Rachel Rodgers | Live Coaching with Rachel: The Growth Scale

088 Live Coaching with Rachel: Offers, Mindset, Scaling, and More!

You have the passion. You have the ideas. You have the drive. You are ready to scale your business up to take it to the next level. The question is, how do you do that? If you have ever felt lost when it came to developing actionable steps to scale your business, this is the episode for you.

Today, I am talking to you about the path to get to millionaire status. It incorporates a lot of different steps at a lot of different stages. That is the exact reason that my team and I developed the Hello Seven Growth Scale, available to all the members in We Should All Be Millionaires: The Club.

In today’s episode, you will hear an actual excerpt from a live Q&A session from inside The Club where I address members' questions about the Growth Scale. It turns out that, like anything else in business, revenue is a solvable problem. We can help point the way with action steps to solve that problem and get you scaled up!

The doors to We Should All Be Millionaires The Club are now open for a limited time. Inside, you'll find your own Growth Scale success path, live coaching Q&A calls with me every single month, and you can attend strategy hour calls with our expert coaches on topics like business development, marketing and sales, and operations and systems. Click here to join!

What You'll Learn from this Episode:

  • What the Growth Scale is and how it can influence your business.
  • How to choose which level to focus on in the Growth Scale.
  • The importance of a team as you continue to scale.
  • How to take on and conquer a limiting belief.
  • The nuances of choosing which level to focus on.
  • What to do when there is a gap between mindset, systems, and revenue streams.
  • The truth about your client base and how it relates to your revenue problem.

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*** Some of the links shared here are affiliate links – we only serve as affiliates for products we believe in.


Your scalable opportunity could be something that’s not incredibly obvious or it could be something that’s staring you right in the face, right? But that’s your job as CEO to find the answer to that question, okay?

Welcome to the Hello Seven Podcast. I'm your host, Rachel Rodgers, wife, mother of four children, a lover of Beyoncé, coffee drinker, and afro-wearer, and I just happen to be the CEO of a seven-figure business. I am on a mission to help every woman I meet become a millionaire. If you want to make more money, you are in the right place. Let's get it going.

Hey y’all, today I am excited to talk to y’all about the path to get to millionaire status, okay? It requires lots of different steps at different stages. So when you’re starting out at $0 in revenue, you’re going to face different challenges than when your revenue gets to $30,000 a year, or $50,000 a year, or six-figures, and then seven-figures.

That’s exactly why I spent years developing the Hello Seven Growth Scale. A detailed framework that creates a success path to meet you exactly where you are in your business growth from $0 all the way up to multiple seven-figures. And lays out the very specific action steps you need to take to level up at that stage.

The Growth Scale curriculum shows you where you’re at, right? It shows you how you invest your time and money, who’s on your team at that stage of business. Your biggest mindset hurdles that you’re going to experience at that stage. The habits and actions that are keeping you stuck. The emotions you can expect to feel at this point along the journey.

It also shows you how to get where you’re headed, right? It shows you where you should be investing your time and money at that stage. Who you need on your team at that stage? What mindset hacks and habits will help you grow at that stage. And which action steps you need to start taking and which ones you need to stop. And the specific business strategies you need to implement to level up to the next level.

The Growth Scale is all about long term growth. Follow this framework step by step and you will not only generate more cash fast, but win the long game of building a sustainable, legacy creating company. And the Growth Scale is the basis for everything we do and lead our members through in my signature program, We Should All Be Millionaires The Club.

In today’s episode you’re going to hear part of a live coaching call from inside the club where I’m working with our members on their Growth Scale questions. We get into issues with revenue growth, offer creation, and focus, specific mindset challenges that pop up with business growth, and more. Get ready to take notes because it gets really juicy y’all.

But don’t just listen in, you can join the club right now and find your own Growth Scale success path. You can come to live coaching Q&A calls with me like this every single month. Plus you can attend strategy hour calls with our expert coaches on topics like business development, marketing and sales, and operations and systems.

The doors to We should All Be Millionaires The Club are now open for a limited time. Pause this podcast and run to to claim your spot. That’s Enjoy today’s episode and I’ll see you at our next live call inside The Club.

I’m actually going to share a couple of Growth Scale wins or, you know, testimonials that people have sent us this month. And I would love to hear in the chat if you’ve had a win in relation to the Growth Scale that has given you some clarity, some context, et cetera, please share that with us in the chat. I would love to hear your wins in relation to the Growth Scale. Yeah, and I’ll share a couple of these that were sent in or shared in the Facebook group or emailed to us.

Jenny Chan said, “The Growth Scale showed me that if I doubled down on my sales, I could move up a level. I only have one item left on my curriculum, which is fabulous.” Yay Jenny.

“It makes me feel less scattered and like I know where I’m going.” Said Katy Chapel.

Jennifer May said, “Almost in tears realizing this is exactly what I’ve been trying to do but didn’t see it coming.”

Megan Goring said, “I have needed this content so badly for 6 years, this is amazing. Thank you for laying out when and where these mystical actions all need to happen. This is the key difference on what and when.”

Love it. All right, and I’m going to read some of y’alls, “I haven’t even introduced myself and I moved up the scale.” Yay! I love hearing that. Fabulous.

“I broke my broke-ass biz and laid new framework from the ground. I like lists.” Yes, lists are helpful.

“I’m a breadwinner but I have a bad-ass client, the scale helped me learn how to support her better.” Ooh, fabulous. I love that so much. Awesome.

Okay, so I’m going to start rolling through these questions. Let’s do it.

All right, so the first question that was sent, and I’m going to hit lots of different topics. We’re going to talk about the nuances of choosing which level to focus on. We’re going to talk about when revenue is low compared to actions, mindset, offers, systems. Mindset in relation to the Growth Scale. Questions specifically around offer in relation to the Growth Scale. Questions specific to the Hello One beginner level. And then we have some questions about the higher levels as well. And we have some questions about shmilly statistics which I will also answer, okay?

So let us begin with the nuances of choosing which level to focus on. So, the first question is, “How should I choose which level I’m on? Should my choose be based primarily on revenue?”

Yes, that is the choose. You look at where your revenue is and then you can decide which tasks you want to be taking and that’s it. Right? Like look at your revenue level, that’s where you’re at. And that is the whole benefit of the Growth Scale, right, it’s very specific. Otherwise you just feel like it’s a whole bunch of information and you don’t know which level to be on and you’re still confused.

Like the whole point of the Growth Scale is to give you context for where you’re at in your journey from zero to seven figures and beyond, right?

And so a follow-up question that someone asked is, “I feel like I’m in between levels, how should I use the Growth Scale if I’m really close to the minimum revenue for the next level to the right?”

Well, here’s what I think. I think you use your instincts and common sense to decide where to focus your energy, right? If you've checked everything off of the list from one level and officially graduated, right, especially if your revenue is supporting that, then move on. If you haven't handled those items so that you can keep sustainably growing.

So like, there might be things, like in Budding the number one focus is to start building your audience, right? If you never actually did that and got further along because maybe you had a handful of really big clients and so you had bigger revenue numbers, but you don't have an audience to really promote your services to, you're going to hit a brick wall in terms of revenue growth. So go back and do that piece, right?

And of course, there's always things like there might be things that you're really good at and things you tend to avoid. Like for me, the thing that I was always naturally good at was like sales and marketing. And the thing that I might struggle with is like the follow through of delivery. You know, like all of the details, the customer service, getting things out to clients in a timely manner. That kind of stuff was always my struggle.

So it's like, I avoided that, you know, and just focused on sales and marketing because that was that's what felt good to me, that's what felt easier. But eventually, I had to dig into delivery and say like, how can I make this better for my clients? I'm giving them amazing content, but how can I improve the experience, right? Like I always show up for every session, but how can I show up with, you know, follow up documents for them or make sure that I send the follow up email?

That used to be my like Achilles heel when I was doing one on one coaching is like, I never sent the follow up email or I took too long to send it, right? So like I needed systems to shore up my own natural weaknesses, you know?

And so if we just pick and choose what things we want to do at each level, you're going to probably pick the things that you feel naturally good at. You're going to avoid the things that you don't feel naturally good at and then those things are going to be the precise thing that is holding you back as you try to keep getting up the Growth Scale, right?

So do all the things, not just the things that you prefer to do or that you like to do. Because building a business is a like holistic thing. And that is why we say, you don't need to do this alone, right? You don't have to be amazing at everything. You can be good at the things that you are good at and you can build a team and get support for the things that are your weaknesses, so that you can still provide like a holistic experience and have a sustainable business.

That's what makes it sustainable, you’ve got to have all the bits, right? When you only have your marketing is great, but your delivery sucks, or your delivery is great but then nobody's in your programs because you don't know how to sell, right? Or, you know, your customer service is lacking or you make, you know, bad choices in terms of cash flow and money management. Like, you know, you don't have systems and processes in place, you're not hiring help and a team and you're trying to do it all alone.

There's all of these pieces and you have to have all of them. That's what makes it a whole business. That makes it real, and sustainable, and not completely dependent on like you getting out of bed and muscling it every day, right? And so that's really important.

So back to the question, use your instincts, right? And look at what are the graduation steps for all of the levels before the one that you're at right now, revenue wise? And make sure you've done those things. And if you haven't, go back and fill those things in.

Someone else asked, “If I jumped a level in terms of revenue, but I haven't done all the action steps from a previous level, should I go back and do them?”

Yes, you should, the items from the previous level will come back to bite you, as I mentioned, if you're trying to grow. Again, like the audience example, or even the team, right? Like you could get, I know a couple of people who did get to seven figures, as not a one-person team, they had one person with a team of contractors and the business was not sustainable, right?

They had a lot of revenue but then they had to rapidly hire a team and it was extremely painful. And they were working 24/7 trying to keep the business afloat because you get to a certain size and you can't do it all alone, right?

Like, you know, Robert and Susan and I, that's my friend group, right, my besties that talk every day. We all are running multimillion dollar businesses. And we talk about how like we could not do this on our own if we wanted to, right? Like if the whole team quit, I'd be fucked because I absolutely cannot run this business by myself. Like there's just no way, it's not humanly possible, and it's certainly not sustainable.

So you do need all of those pieces, all of those elements. There is nothing superfluous in the Growth Scale. There's nothing that's like, “Oh, just do this because it sounds good and I don't know what else to fill in there.” No, everything that we're telling you to do in the Growth Scale is necessary to keep growing your business. Okay?

So we've talked about the nuances of choosing your level, just make the decision. It should be based on revenue. It's very specific based on revenue, right? So like stick with your revenue level, do those things, and then move on to the next level.

Okay, so when revenue is low compared to actions, mindset, offer, systems. So this question came in a couple of times, someone asked, “What should I be doing if I've completed all the action steps for my level, but my revenue hasn't reached the point of graduating to the next level yet?”

Then do what you need to do to grow your revenue. Then that's your number one focus, right? So I would also ask yourself, is there something missing from a previous level that's preventing your revenue from growing? Right?

Is it that you never hired that full-time assistant and because of that you're not responding to potential customer inquiries fast enough? You're not able to, you know, get more marketing or sales conversations happening because you don't have support? And that is actually what's holding up your revenue? Or is it that you never built the audience, right? So you don't really have a customer base to draw from?

So it could be any number of things, I don't know who asked this question. We just compiled the list so I'm not sure which level the person is at. But regardless of your level you want to sort of look back and see is there something missing here that I haven't done that is causing my revenue to not grow? And then of course, go back and do that thing so that you can get your revenue numbers up.

If your revenue isn't growing in lockstep with the rest of your business, you will not be able to sustain the business until you solve the revenue problem, right? What you focus on expands. So if you feel like you've gotten most of the things happening in your business under control, these are the things that are going well, but this is the pain, right? Like you've got some pain specifically related to revenue, then you need to zero in on that problem and solve it, right?

A revenue problem is a solvable problem. Just like a team problem is a solvable problem, right? Just like an offer problem is a solvable problem. These are all solvable problems. Revenue numbers are not out of your control. I think sometimes we think like, “Oh, well, I could get the team in place. And I could build the systems and I could create a great offer, but it just depends on if clients come or if people buy my stuff.” No, it doesn’t. It depends on you, right? You have as many clients as you've decided to go and get, right?

So if you are trying a strategy to get customers and that's not working, then shift strategies and find a way to speak to your ideal client and get in front of them and make your offers, right? And make sure you're telling them what they need to hear.

Here's a perfect example. This month, right, we launched the Hello Seven Incubator Program. And we launched it, you know, we made it available to Shmillys first and there were over 80 of you that decided to join, which is so exciting and amazing. And then we decided to open it up to our list, because we still had some spots left. And then we had a whole bunch more people join.

But here's what's interesting, the first day that we opened it, only one person joined. And I was like, “Huh, there's data missing here. I know people have been asking me for exactly this program forever. And I know my customers so well, because I've been doing this for a long time, I know that this is exactly what they need. And I know that they know that this is what they need, and they're interested. And I could see them all looking at the Google Doc. I could see they're emailing us; they're talking to us about it. But there's a piece missing here where they clearly don't have all the information.

So then I said, “Okay, let's schedule a Q&A session where I can answer their questions, show them the Growth Scale, give them a little bit more. Obviously, I didn't show them the whole thing, it was a redacted version. But we showed them like the structure of it so they could see what they're actually getting and understand it. And once we did that, sales came pouring in, right?

So sometimes it's just that this is the right offer, it is the right people, but there's a bit of information missing from your sales page or missing from your sales conversations. And because that information is missing, they're not going to buy it because they're stuck on something. So you want to make sure you're you have an opportunity.

When you are selling, it's a conversation there should be back and forth happening, right? Whether it's on a webinar, on a Q&A, on a sales call, emails. Always invite your customers to talk to you and tell you what they need and what they want. Because from that, you can see like, “Oh, they want to know this, and this is exactly what I do. But it's not clear on the sales page. Let me make it super clear. Let me break that down for them.” Right?

A lot of times we think, “Oh, I've launched, I created the sales page, I put it out there, and no one's buying and it's done”. No, no, no, launch is like step one, that's just the beginning of the conversation. It should be an ongoing conversation throughout your entire launch period, right? To make sure that people have the information they need to make that million-dollar decision for themselves, right, whether they want to join or not.

So that's really important to understand, right? Like it's an ongoing discussion. Why am I talking about this? I'm talking about this because folks are saying I have done all the other things on this level, but my revenue is not where it needs to be. Then just solve that problem. That's just a mechanical, like focus on it, create a checklist, put some effort into it, and you will solve it kind of problem.

It's not a problem that's outside of your control. It's not floating out here somewhere and you just can't seem to grasp it and other people have grasped it and lucky them, but you're not lucky. Luck has nothing to do with it all right? Or maybe luck has maybe a tiny bit to do with it, but it's all on you. Okay? So you absolutely 100% have the ability to grow an audience.

And when I say audience, I don't just mean like a mailing list, because that's not necessarily relevant for everybody's business. If you have a brick-and-mortar business, your audience is the people who come in and out of the store or don't, right? Your audience might be, you know, the people who are considering whether to come into your studio to do classes, right? Or who are coming to your e-commerce store.

So the point is, a pool of potential customers that you can regularly engage with, who are considering working with you, who are seeing your marketing messages, who know what you offer and considering working with you. That's what I'm talking about. And so you need to have that community of people that you can go to to say, “Hey, I have an offer. Here it is. Are you interested?” Right?

And so revenue problems are just a solvable problem like everything else. It's not some crazy scary thing. Okay? So if you've done everything else at your Growth Scale level and revenue is still not where it needs to be, focus on revenue, right, and keep hitting that hard, right? And if you're in Budding it might be an audience thing.

If you're in Busy Bee it might be you need to choose an ideal client and stop selling everything because people are getting confused by your like seven different marketing messages you're sending out. So they don't even know what you do. So when you streamline and focus on one ideal client and one clear message and one clear problem you solve, now all of a sudden people understand, they get it, and now they're buying, right?

So when you look at the Growth Scale you can even see clues as to what's causing your revenue problem. Is this making sense? Let me know if this is hitting you and helpful. Okay, good. I want to make sure we're all on the same page.

Okay, so another question in that same vein, “I'm still unclear, is the level predicated on a one-time month, but not sustainable? Or is it only if you sustain at that dollar amount consistently?”

That is a great question. So here's the deal, what you want to look at when you're deciding on revenue level is what are your last three months average revenue, right? So like you look at, so the average of your last three months, sorry, to be specific.

So in this context, right, we're in March so you would look at December, January, and February. December, January, and February, what's the average revenue based on those two things added together, right, divide it to get the average. And now you know where approximately you're at. And also too, use common sense, right?

So like, let's say in December you closed the doors to some amazing offer that you used to have, you've opened the doors to a new offer, and this new offer is taking of and it's amazing. And the old offer wasn't working quite as well. And you want to discount December because you're like, “That's not where we're at anymore.” Cool, then just use January and February, right?

Like, if there's been a massive change, you can kind of decide what makes sense for where you fall. But a good rule of thumb is look at the last three, like, essentially you're looking at the last quarter of your business. What happened in the last three months? Take the average of that, and that should tell you approximately where you're at on the Growth Scale. Okay?

All righty. So here's another question someone asked, “What might be causing me to feel like I fit into a higher level in terms of mindset, offers, and systems, but be at a lower level in terms of revenue?”

And so here's my thoughts, what might be causing you to feel like you should be at a higher level when you're not is you have been in business for a long time. So you have a lot of experience running a business, even though your revenue hasn't grown quite as much. Maybe you've done a lot of personal development work, right? Maybe you've been to lots of therapy and done lots of coaching and that's why you’ve worked on some of the mindset stuff that is typical at each level of the Growth Scale, right?

It could be that you in your previous work experience, like at your previous job, you helped to run another business, right? Or you just got business experience there, or experience that helps you understand how to manage a team, et cetera, right, that is really relevant to your entrepreneurial journey. And that is helping you to feel like a little bit ahead in terms of mindset and all of that, right?

So all of those things might be the causes, but revenue is the lifeblood of a business. If you don't have revenue, you cannot sustainably grow, right? Without revenue your growth will be stunted. Okay? And so you must have revenue, right? So don't be jumping ahead on the Growth Scale if you haven't figured out how to generate and sustain that level of revenue. Okay?

So growing your revenue at this pace that we have laid out for you in the Growth Scale is completely reasonable, that is not an insanely fast journey in my opinion. This is a solid, sustainable pace of revenue growth. And the way that I like to think about it is if you're actively doing everything, now life happens, right?

You might have a baby in the midst of this, you might be getting a divorce, right? You might have other stuff going on in your life, there are other factors. There might be external market factors, like a whole industry shifts because a regulatory law has passed or something like that. Or because of a pandemic, for example, right?

So there are outside things that can affect this for sure. But what I would say is, if you are able to work full time in your business, I would expect that like six months, around six months per level on the Growth Scale is very, very reasonable. And when you get higher up it might be taking you a little bit longer to jump levels. Particularly like once you get to seven figures, I mean, you could grow rapid at seven figures to 2 and 3 and 5 million. Or it might take you a little longer you might hang out there.

I mean, I had two-million-dollar years before I hit 2 million and then I hit 5 million, right? And the reason why is because I had a baby and I was not trying to grow. I was like, “If I can sustain where we're at right now, that'd be great. And have this baby and actually go on maternity leave, that's all I want this year.” Right? So that was intentional on my part. So I do want to like, life context matters.

But I would say if you are actively all in on doing the things and not hesitating and waiting to take action, six months is a very reasonable time to spend at each level. Okay?

And if that's not you, if you've been at one level for seven years, there's nothing wrong with that, right? It's all choice. And there might have been things going on in your life that like you kept your business a side hustle. For example, while you were raising your kids or whatever. You weren't ready to grow it, you were happy with the revenue. And now you're not, now mamma wants to spend some money and now you're going to grow it, right?

So it's all individual choice, there's no judgment here. And we don't need to grow for growth’s sake, right? Like we should be growing because we want to grow a more sustainable business, because we want to have more of an impact, because we want more money, right? That's why we're growing. If you decide like, “Hey, I'm really content as a Breadwinner. I have no desire to keep growing.” That's your choice. I celebrate that choice with you, do you boo, right? Like nobody's mad at you for that.

However, if you do want to grow beyond Breadwinner or when you are ready, you're going to do the things on that list, right, those action steps, and then you'll get to boss and you'll keep growing from there. Okay?

All right, so we've talked about, you know, you might be sort of feel like mentally, offers wise, systems wise you're at a higher level, but revenue is a lower level, focus on revenue, right? Growing your revenue is going to get you to where you want to be and then you can keep focusing on the next steps.

For example, right, you don't want to be at, you know, Boss level and hiring a full-time team without the revenue to support it. Right? That doesn't make any sense, that's a recipe for potential disaster, unless you have outside funding, right? Or unless you have some big savings that you're using to fund the growth of your business.

For example, that's exactly what I'm doing with the Rodgers Ranch, right? Like with the ranch, we are about to launch our retreat house rental and all of that. And I am hiring, I already have one employee and I’m about to hire another one. Actually I have two employees because I have a part time person working with the horses and a full-time person. And we're about to hire a customer service person, like a retreat coordinator basically, to manage the sales and customer service for our retreats that we're selling.

I have the ability to fund that with my own personal cash and that is why I'm able to do that. However, I would not be doing that if I didn't have that money. You know what I mean? If I didn't have another business and if I didn't have my own funds to be able to fund that, I wouldn't be doing it.

So just know that like that is a nuance. Some of you might have super, like incredible jobs that you've had, you've built up lots of savings and so you want to invest that savings to grow faster, you can absolutely do that. That is an option, it's absolutely not required. And for most people in the club, most of us are going to be just sort of financing this thing by ourselves as we grow, and really wanting to see a return on the investment before we put much more money into it, right?

Okay, let's talk about mindset. Because that's something that came up. Someone asked, “On Growth Scale day you talked about looking back and reviewing the mindset shifts you might have skipped or need a refresher on for past levels. I want to know more about that process, especially if you leap very quickly over a level. How often would you suggest doing that? Is there a point at which that is no longer helpful? Should we go all the way back on the scale or just the step before us?”

Go all the way back, right, so if you never did the things around creating boundaries around your time, you know, protecting your time really like establishing self-care practices, that is going to come back and hurt you at some point, right? Like, these are all the elements of a sustainable business. So if you're not taking good care of yourself, which is what we're talking about in that beginner level, then you're going to struggle later on. And you're going to have to go all the way back and do those things, right? So you should do that.

In terms of looking at the previous levels, I just think note what you skipped and do that work, right? And that's it, you can decide what things to focus on and where. If there's a whole lot of stuff you skipped then you can sort of just like make that list and decide what items on that list you want to hit. And I would probably work on the things in the order of the biggest pain point you are experiencing.

For example, you know, if you have grown your business, you're working with a team and you're finding managing a team really hard because you don't take care of yourself. And you don't have a reasonable work schedule and now you're expecting your team members to do the same, which most normal humans will not. And I wouldn't recommend that they do, right? You need to work on your shit. That's not the team members fault, that might be your fault, right?

So you need to go back and look at why do I think that I have to work like all day long, right? Why do I not have a sustainable schedule? What self-care do I need to do? How do I need to be stepping up how I take care of myself? How do I need to be a model example for the people on my team? Right?

So, you know, at any point you could see things that you hadn't taken care of earlier on the Growth Scale coming back and preventing your continued success, right, slowing your success down, causing you to plateau. And so if you have a pain point, let's say it's a revenue pain point, you might go back and fill in audience, right?

So like at every level there might be things, if you have a like, “We're too busy, we're delivering too many things. And we're stressed.” Oh, that's because you never chose an ideal client. And you never chose one single offer and you kept offering 17 different things. And now your team is stuck, you know, delivering 1,000 things and it's exhausting, right? Okay, great. Go back there and tighten that shit up.

So at any point, you might need to go back, whether it's mindset stuff or action steps and do those things. Okay.

Here's another question that came in, “I find that getting the money doesn't automatically evolve the mind. What deeper mindset work can we do to help us grow along with or even ahead of our revenue growth?”

Here's my opinion on this, you do not need to necessarily grow ahead of your revenue growth, right? And I actually do find that getting the money and using the money to continue to grow the business does evolve the mind because you have revenue.

When you have money, what people don't – Like listen, this was me when I was early on in the Growth Scale and I was just trying to get to a place where I could like have a good amount of income for myself and my family and like sustain the business without stress, that's all I wanted, right? Sustain my family life and the business without stress. Like That was my focus.

You know, here's what happens, you get there and you can't imagine like money being a problem. But when you get bigger and your company keeps growing and then you start to have a surplus where it's not just enough to survive, now you've got extra. Deciding what to do with that extra, how to manage it in the meantime while you're figuring out what to do with it, how to invest it, right?

All of that is a new problem, believe it or not, right? It's hard to believe when you're early on and you're in, you know, kind of hustle mode or you're struggling to make ends meet. But when you get past that point, that is a new challenge that you now have is reinvesting that money, continuing to take risks, but now the risks are bigger, right?

There is a lot of mindset evolution that happens as you continue to grow the business, as you continue to have money, and as you continue to manage it, and having to invest it, and having to make decisions around it. And especially, you've got a team now, now you got to manage other people. And now you have to step up in your leadership. Now you're seeing your own weaknesses, they're reflected back to you in the faces of your team members.

Trust me, there is a lot of mental evolution that happens, you know, as you continue to grow the business. So in my opinion, I don't think you need to deep dive and go further. Like I am not somebody who believes we're always broken and we always need to just be doing the maximum amount of mindset work possible. All the therapy, all the coaching, all of the everything in the world to constantly fix ourselves. Like, no, like let's bring that energy down for a second. I don't think we have to always be doing that.

And so, you know, there are specific action steps provided in the Growth Scale steps to overcome those mindset hurdles that you're experiencing. And I just think do regular maintenance, right? It's like do regular maintenance on your mindset, attend Money Church, do self-coaching, right, talk to yourself kindly every day. Reframe those negative thoughts, those limiting beliefs that are coming up constantly. Surround yourself with a bad-ass squad, which you've done right? Value your time, put boundaries in place, move your body.

All of these things are enough mindset, in my opinion. And if you have trauma, of course, hire a therapist, right, get additional help if you need it. But I think that is a great baseline of mindset work that you're doing to better yourself, to take care of yourself. I don't think we have to just constantly be doing a longer and longer list of personal development, you know?

Okay, let's talk about offers because that was another area where we had some questions. So someone asked, “Can I move all the way up the scale with one single offer of $1,000 to $1,500.” And they said, “I have a scalable structure, course, plus community, plus live Q&As, and high conversion. So I know my business has a demand, it's more about the mindset of will I need to add high ticket offers or something else to go along the way?”

In my opinion, no, you do not. Yes, you absolutely can move all the way up the Growth Scale with a single $1,000 or $1,500 offer, okay? I have one offer and that's, you know, I built a $5 million business with that one offer. This year, we're slated to make 8 million and that's without HSI right? Like so HSI is an addition that we've added, but even if we didn't add it, we'd be making 8 million without it, you know what I mean?

So you absolutely can scale a business to 100 million if you want to with a single offer. So what I would do is really challenge that belief, because that's probably just a limiting belief. And one of the things that you can do that is find evidence, right? Like, be a sleuth and go out there and look for businesses that you love that sell one thing. And just surround yourself with more examples to help you reinforce that belief.

And then challenge that belief, right? Like just do the math, right, at $1,500 how many customers do you need to hit, you know, seven figures? Is that an amount of customers that's possible for you to attain? Right? If the answer is yes, then absolutely, you can scale your business to a million, okay?

And you might need support, right? You might not be doing all the live Q&As at that point, you might need help managing the community, right? You might need help with updating the course on a regular basis. So you're probably still going to need a team. Not probably, you will still need a team, right? But you can, of course, scale your business to a million with one offer and beyond.

“So I’m at Breadwinner, wanting to double revenue this year from $7,000 a month to $15,000 a month. And the 7,000 is all from private coaching with couples and individuals right now.” Okay, so I know this question is relevant for so many of you who do one on one work, and most of your money, especially at that Breadwinner phase, you know, it's coming from one-on-one work.

And continuing with the question, “I have a number of courses I've created through the years and can see how I could just wrap them into the curriculum of a membership. Is there ever a scenario where you would endorse me using one course as a way to give people a way to start with me that's a lower commitment, like a membership community where they pay and then something else on the back end of that. Like a deep dive offer that's more expensive, like $12,000?”

So this person is asking, you know, do I have to have one offer? Do I need to focus on one offer as I talk about, you know, being the key to a million and beyond? Or could I do like a membership community with a higher end thing on the back end? Right? Here's my answer to that question, I have a couple things to say.

Here's one example, just specifically to this question of like membership with a high-level back-end offer, at that level, at the Breadwinner level. Which is where this questioner is at. Here's the problem with that, here's what I think would likely happen, you'll focus on one or the other, right?

So if private one on ones is making you all your money, that's probably going to get most of your attention, you might launch a membership. If you don't get enough people in it initially you might struggle to continue to market it. And also the one on ones are directly competing with the membership. And so people are going to be like, if they can afford it, they'll go into the one on one, right?

Or vice versa, the membership could take off, and then suddenly, you ain't got time for the one on ones. But now they're demanding because they're paying a lot of money and they want your attention. You don't have that attention to give because now you're managing hundreds of clients over here and your membership, right? It divides you, which is what multiple offers do. And that's why I'm such a big proponent of focus down your energy.

And remember, the reason why I tell you to focus is because what you focus on, right, expands. So like if you focus on one offer, it's going to get you to that seven figures faster than if you have multiple different offers that you're marketing at all these different times. I actually find, and history shows, and my experience shows, and data and research and stats show that it actually really slows you down.

I didn't make up this flagship offer rule and just like decide that I like it and decide to spread it all around the internet. It's actually based on reality and data, right? Will there be outliers? There always will be. For the majority of us, we're going to grow faster and get to seven figures faster with one offer. And it's going to be more sustainable, we're going to enjoy our lives and our business more, we're going to be better at what we're delivering.

There are so many benefits to streamlining, right? And it's fear of like, “Oh, it's not going to be enough.” So then we just offer all these things. It's one thing if you're like, “I'm offering this because I love it so much. And this is what I want to do. And I don't care if I grow slower, that's fine with me.” Cool, right?

But if you're just throwing things out there because you need the money and because you're sort of accustomed to this method of being very busy, and you have fear around your ability to earn a lot with one offer, then just squash that fear because that's going to slow you down significantly.

Okay, so here's some additional thoughts to think about. I think, clearly, the Hello Seven growth skill is going to give you context for what's happening in your business, where you're at, what's commonly experienced at this level, and what specifically is going to get you to that next level, right?

The Growth Scale, though, is not going to decide for you what your offers are going to be, right? Or your offer should be, okay? So you have to make that decision. You have to decide what is the scalable opportunity within my business, right? Where is my scalable opportunity? That's what you have to ask yourself, right? What is the million-dollar opportunity within the business that I have right now? Right? Or with the experience that I have right now? Or with the team that I have right now?

That's your job as a CEO is to find that answer to that question. And no one can give you the answer to that, right, I can definitely give you context, I can tell you what I see, I can give you ideas. But at the end of the day, that's your choice to make. And here's the thing, too, if you are someone who is doing one on one and you love one on one, and you never want to give up one on one, awesome. You can hire a team to help you deliver one on one, right?

You can take your one-on-one process of how you work with clients and how you help them achieve whatever it is that you help them achieve, break that down into a proprietary process, train other people on that process. And they could also meet with clients one on one, right? And now it's scalable, because now you have multiple team members who can serve continuously larger sums of clients.

This is how I scaled my law practice, right? Initially, it was just me, then it was me and an assistant. Then it was me, an assistant, and another attorney. Then it was me, an assistant, and another attorney, and another attorney. Then it was me, an assistant, another attorney, another attorney, and then we needed another assistant. Right? So that's how I scaled the law practice, is we are selling a done for you service, I need more hands to help me accomplish that service. And we can sell more if we have more hands to help us do it, right?

So that is how you can legitimately scale a business and sustainably, right? Another way you can do that is creating a more scalable like group offer, like a course or a membership. Or you could create a physical product, you could take your genius, for example, and put it into the form of a planner, for example, and sell the fuck out of that planner until you hit seven figures, right? And that's how you could do it.

So there are so many different ways to take your genius and expertise. You really just have to look at your business and the opportunities that are available to you with the skills that you have, with the audience that you have, with the opportunities in front of you. Or even where you feel creatively led.

Like for example me, I was doing legal services, but I saw there was an opportunity for coaching. People were asking me to coach them. It was something I was naturally drawn to. I went and got the coach training, and then I pivoted into coaching, right?

So it doesn't even have to be the opportunity that staring you in the face. Would I have gotten to coaching without law? No. Like, if I wouldn't have started my own law practice, I would have never even known that I enjoy running businesses and that I'm good at it. Right? Like I wouldn’t have known that information so I wouldn't have had that skill to sell yet, right?

So your scalable opportunity could be something that's not incredibly obvious, or it could be something that's staring you right in the face, right? But that's your job as CEO to find the answer to that question, okay?

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