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10K in 10 Days with Kronda Adair and Leslie Tagorda

053 10K in 10 Days with Kronda Adair and Leslie Tagorda

We recently ran a 10K in 10 Days Challenge in our membership communities. And when it came to light what our participants had learned from this experience, we realized that what they had to share was way too good to keep to ourselves.

So, this week, we’re hearing from the winners of that challenge, Kronda Adair and Leslie Tagorda. Both are amazing entrepreneurs and have an incredible amount to share about how to grow a business, build and sell an offer, and develop the mindset required to make it happen.

Tune in this week as Kronda and Leslie discuss how they pushed themselves in this challenge of making 10K in 10 days. They’re sharing how they pivoted specifically for this challenge, engaged their audience, what they needed to believe about themselves in order to ensure their success, and what the next step is after this big win.

For the chance to join us before we begin our next 10K in 10 Days Challenge, head over to our membership page.

Download my free guide Million Dollar Behavior, where you will learn the 10 behavior shifts you need to make to build wealth, claim power, and have an impact. I’ve learned how to play the game of success by my own rules, and in this guide, I’m laying out the Million Dollar Behavior required for you to define your own success and chase after your goals on your terms.

What You'll Learn from this Episode:

  • What our challengers had to decide to believe about themselves and their business in order to succeed in this challenge.
  • The things Kronda and Leslie pivoted and did differently in their business for this challenge.
  • How our challengers set up their teams and systems ready for this challenge.
  • Why pivoting in your business and embracing change is unavoidable if you want to grow.
  • How Leslie and Kronda engaged their clients and their mailing lists for this project.
  • The obstacles our challengers faced and how they got around them.
  • What’s next for Kronda and Leslie in terms of growing their businesses off the back of this win.

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Rachel Rodgers: I agree. Like letting go of the hard. “Let it be easy,” is one of the things that I say to myself all the time when I get worked up and caught up and I really don’t like too many steps. I really like simplicity. So, too many steps and then I’m like, “I’m not interested in this thing anymore.” So, I always have to ask myself, “What takes away the friction? How can it be easy?”

Welcome to the Hello Seven Podcast. I'm your host, Rachel Rodgers, wife, mother of four children, a lover of Beyoncé, coffee drinker, and afro-wearer, and I just happen to be the CEO of a seven-figure business. I am on a mission to help every woman I meet become a millionaire. If you want to make more money, you are in the right place. Let's get it going.

Natalie Miller: Hello, everyone, this is Natalie Miller. I’m the Director of Programs at Hello Seven and I’m here to tell you about today’s episode of the Hello Seven Podcast. Our beloved Rachel is off, she’s either editing her upcoming book or casting the vision for the next quarter at Hello Seven, furiously riding her Peloton or maybe even taking a nap.

Rachel recently sat down though with some of the winners of our 10K in 10 Days Challenge. This is a challenge we ran in our membership communities and as we heard about what people learned from it we realized the wins are way too good to keep to ourselves.

So, please enjoy this conversation Rachel had with two of our challenge winners, Kronda Adair and Leslie Tagorda. If you are interested in joining us in time for the next challenge, be sure to visit to choose your membership level because at Hello Seven we believe we should all be millionaires and that includes you.

Rachel Rodgers: Hello, friends, welcome in. How’s everybody doing today.

Kronda Adair: Good. You got me getting up early. I had to make my omelette early.

Rachel Rodgers: I saw your tag about your omelette. I loved it.

Leslie Tagorda: You could’ve been making your omelette right now.

Kronda Adair: I know, like a little cooking show, inspirational, money-making, multi-faceted entrepreneur.

Leslie Tagorda: Healthy eating. Feeling the ration.

Rachel Rodgers: I love it. So, I’m curious, let me know how you guys are doing in the chat and I’m also curious to know were you there for the announcement yesterday in the club about – we announced the challenge winners for HSI, MDB, and the club. Then we also just talked about some of the results that the community as a collective got and I was curious if any of you guys heard that, were there for that. Because if not, I was thinking that I’d share.

Leslie Tagorda: I was there.

Rachel Rodgers: You were there? Awesome.

Kronda Adair: I was there.

Rachel Rodgers: Were you there, Leslie?

Leslie Tagorda: I came in at the end. I came in right as you were showing off the teapot thing and I was like, “What did I – “

Rachel Rodgers: You’re like, “What is happening?”

Leslie Tagorda: Who won the teapot?

Rachel Rodgers: I know.

Leslie Tagorda: I was scrolling backwards. I was like, “Wait, is it me? Is it me? Oh darn.”

Rachel Rodgers: Yes, I’ve been looking for an opportunity to give out a teapot because I’m like that was a life-changing experience having a freaking designer teapot.

Leslie Tagorda: Teapot goals.

Rachel Rodgers: Yeah, and it’s not so much about showing off, but it’s really about how when you step into those things that you don’t feel that you’re worthy of how much it can help you to grow to just have something expensive.

So much of my youth was spent like I would never buy anything expensive and I would specifically say, “I don’t want nice things because I don’t want to have to take care of them.” I used to say that all the time. I’m like, “Oh my God, child, you needed coaching.”

Leslie Tagorda: For real.

Rachel Rodgers: So, you guys, we are here as you can see with our Challenge winners Leslie and Kronda. Kronda won the top prize. So, yay, Kronda! And Leslie was our runner-up, so we’re going to talk to them and just unpack what they did in this challenge how they were able to have success and just some strategies that we can all learn from. So, yay!

If you guys have questions for them you can throw them in the chat, as you know, this is an intimate conversation and they’ll let you know if they don’t want to answer. Y’all are allowed, just so you know.

So, my first question for you guys is clearly you approached the challenge as an opportunity. What did you decide to believe about yourself and your business as you went into this challenge? Leslie, you want to start?

Leslie Tagorda: Yeah, sure, because oh my gosh – so, I did the whole worksheet. Normally, any time these challenges come I’m like, “Oh no, I’ve got this,” and I don’t go through the whole process and then I wonder why I kind of effed up at the end and I didn’t achieve my goal. Right?

So, I’m like, “Okay, I’m going to do things a little bit differently.” So, number one, answer every freaking question going through the worthiness thing and what I really discovered about this money-making thing was like money has never been this big goal of mine.

I’ve never had this need in my life that I had to make money and I kind of beat myself up for it. I can’t make money. That’s like the dialogue in my head. “I can’t make money. Somebody is always going to provide for me.” So, what I really changed in this challenge was changing this dialogue to, “I can easily receive money.”

I’m going to take the word “make” money because I don’t want to just have to work for it, I just want to receive it. Just give it to me.

Rachel Rodgers: Yes. That sounds so much more fun than make. I agree. Make sounds like work.

Kronda Adair: Yes.

Leslie Tagorda: Totally. I wanted to take the work out because it used to be like I have to work hard to make money. Got rid of work changed it with receive and then put easily receive money. So, that was what I had to change.

Rachel Rodgers: Yes, I love that. That’s a choice, right? To believe that because the things that we believe is absolutely a choice. Not all of them, obviously, but a lot of things are. We just kind of repeat these things in our heads and just choose to believe certain things about ourselves or what’s possible for us and that can hold us back. So, Kronda, what are your thoughts? What did you decide to believe about yourself and your business as you went into this challenge?

Kronda Adair: It wasn’t anything different than what I was already doing. So, I think that as we talk about this, the success of this challenge for me is it’s just an accumulation of reward for the things that I’ve been doing for many years. I’ve been in the trenches. We compare this summer to last summer, it’s not even – it’s like inverse.

So, I always believed that I was going to get my glow up. I was going to reap the rewards for all the things that I had been doing. So, it wasn’t anything different. My partner, God love her, has a very pessimistic brain and so not that she doesn’t believe in me and know that I work hard, but she’s kind of like, “Okay, when is this [inaudible]”

Rachel Rodgers: Listen, my husband is very optimistic, and he still was like, “When is this going to start making some real money?”

Kronda Adair: Right? And so, you’re like, “I’m working on it.” So, I always knew and I think having that energy close it’s like I have to believe even harder because I have something to prove, literally, so I just was like, “Okay, well, I’m going on vacation so what can I do?”


Rachel Rodgers: Yeah, I want to talk a little bit about that, too, because I think you have to believe that you can do this challenge and make this money while you were on vacation like in the woods.

Kronda Adair: Yes. So, that’s why I decided, “Well, I’m going away, it doesn’t mean I can’t still make money.” So, that was the thing that was definitely a decision. It’s like, “Listen, I’m all about work hard once, and using assets and automation, so I can use all those things to make money while I’m laying in the hammock.”

Rachel Rodgers: Yes, I love that.

Leslie Tagorda: Even better.

Rachel Rodgers: Yes, it’s really good. Okay, so tell me what did the challenge inspire you to do differently in your business? In terms of maybe what you sold, what your offer was, how you marketed it. Tell us what was different about this time.

Kronda Adair: I think what was different is that I recently hired two people and I’ve tried hiring four and it didn’t always go that well.

Rachel Rodgers: Yeah, it’s funny how that works. It doesn’t always work the first time.

Kronda Adair: Yeah, or the second time or the third. So, I’m new to having people on my team that I just really trust to kick ass without me looking over their shoulder. So, I felt really good about calling them in and saying, “Okay, Rachel has thrown down this challenge. I’m leaving town. Here’s how we’re going to set up so that we can rock this thing. We’re going to make sure that our current clients are taken care of. We’re going to make sure that my content is still going out on to all of the socials and we’re going to pick some things to sell that don’t require me.” So, that was what I did.

Rachel Rodgers: I love it, and how did your team respond to that? Did they think you were crazy? Were they all on board? What was their response?

Kronda Adair: Oh no, they’re all on board. So, the two people I have are someone who does actually builds out the automations and then another person who does my social and they’re both black women which just makes me so, so happy. Literally, the first time I’ve had that luxury in my business as well, and they were totally on board.

So, some of the things we had to do was to make sure that – I have clients who will request different things that require different parts of the team. I actually also have someone who does the website maintenance and requests and stuff. So, I’m like, “Okay, we have to have one place to go and have those be routed.”

So, we created a form that’s like if you need this then your message goes here and if you need this your message goes here. We set that up before I left.

Rachel Rodgers: Yes, systems equal freedom and I’m all about that life. I’m not a systems-driven person at all, but – and in fact, I’m an Aquarius, everything about me is like take a different route home today because I’m bored of seeing the same scenery.

Kronda Adair: Your systems people are probably like, “Ah, this woman.”

Rachel Rodgers: Exactly. So, I’ve hired amazing people on my team to lead the charge with developing systems and I love having systems. I just don’t want to create them and I think some entrepreneurs think like, “If I’m not amazing at it, that’s not something that can benefit me.” It’s like, no, no, no.

Systems equal profit because you become more efficient. You don’t have to spend a lot of energy. Even your team doesn’t have to sort those forms when those requests come in. So, it actually increases your profits and makes you more efficient when you can use systems and it makes everyone happy and less crazy which is great.

I love that and I love everything you said. Leslie, what did you differently in your business?

Leslie Tagorda: Well, I did everything differently. Again, going back to that worksheet, filling things out, like what am I going to create? I had this slew of ideas. I could put together this web writing workshop. I could put together this. Just putting all of the things down that I could possibly do and sell and I was like, “Oh my God, all of these are so draining. I don’t want to do any of that.”

Rachel Rodgers: Yes.

Leslie Tagorda: Just hearing the clients, or potential clients, the people that I want to work with, not the people that are currently in my groups. Hearing what they want, they don’t have time for another group, another course, they just want it done for you.

I love that. I love meeting one-on-one. I love writing. I love guiding people on all of these things so I created a brand new offer, yet another offer, we’ll get to that later. I’m trimming down, I’m pruning. So, I just created an offer that totally worked in my strengths and totally lit me up and I was like, “Okay, here it is!”

Rachel Rodgers: Yes. Okay, and tell us what that offer was. I mean, I think most folks know, but just tell us anyway.

Leslie Tagorda: Yeah, I’m currently calling it, “Luminary On Call.” It’s not perfect yet, I’ve got to change it, but it’s basically a one-on-one, 90-day session where I work with an entrepreneur. I call them high achievers but so many people don’t identify as high achievers. I’m talking to every one of you listening here.

I can’t believe that, so anyway –

Rachel Rodgers: We’re like, “What do you mean high achiever? I don’t achieve enough!”

Kronda Adair: Exactly. That’s the point.

Leslie Tagorda: Somebody who doesn’t want to learn astrology, so it’s like basically they come in, I give them a reading, garner all of their highest potential strengths and put together a 90-day power dates for them based on their specific energy, like pop astrology. “Don’t launch during a Mercury in retrograde,” because you know what that’s bullshit. There are people that are supposed to launch during these kinds of times and it’s like how to use energy for you specifically.

Rachel Rodgers: Fascinating.

Leslie Tagorda: It’s like a one-on-one, high touch, like, “Hey, Leslie, should I do this today?” Or, “Why is everybody pissing me off? What do I do? Do I have to meditate today?” “Yes, meditate on it. Go do it.”

Rachel Rodgers: I love that. Okay, so they get a 90-day plan and then they can also touch base with you and ask you questions and things like that, too?

Leslie Tagorda: Yes, exactly, so once a week they get to ask me a question and I’ll follow-up with them within 24 hours, within like a business day. So, usually these are really easy. I can create a Zoom video, a Lum video, or just a text message or something. Still iron out the details so like delivering perfectly imperfectly.

Rachel Rodgers: Yes, exactly, and the thing is you’ve got to get offers out there first before you can even figure out how to hone them and perfect them. You’ve got to have it out in the wild, be working with a client and realize, “This one needs a little tweak. This one needs a little shift over here.” Then you get right to the right thing.

But that sounds amazing, and that sounds like an incredible offer. I love it. I love it. So, one thing that you wanted to do for a while and you were kind of holding yourself back and had all these reasons why you couldn’t do it, and you just decided, “Screw it, I’m going to use this challenge to try this new thing and see what happens”?

Leslie Tagorda: Oh yeah, a laundry list of the reasons why I couldn’t do it.

Rachel Rodgers: Yes, I totally feel you. Kronda, tell us what you sold specifically.

Kronda Adair: So, what I was promoting specifically while I was gone was a course that I created over three years ago called Working Websites Blueprint. It’s for all those DIY folks who – it’s for all those folks who are on Square Space and they’ve outgrown it, for people who know they need a website and want to do it right. So, it walks them through.

I basically mimicked my whole client process, but I created a core showing how I do that. Like, how I create websites really quickly. My DMs are full of people who want me to fix their broken shit. They’re like, “Oh, this thing doesn’t work,” or, “The developer made it hard to use,” or “Said I shouldn’t touch it.” It’s like, your website is a marketing tool and you’re supposed to be able to use it. As Leslie has just proven your business is constantly and if you or someone on your team can’t go in and update that then you’re dead in the water.

So, as someone with a developer background, I was always really passionate about creating things that I can hand over and you can actually go and use it. If it’s 3 in the morning and you’re like, “Oh shit, there’s a typo,” or, “I want to post this new product,” or whatever, you should be able to do that, it’s your business.

Rachel Rodgers: Absolutely.

Kronda Adair: So, a lot of developers are just like, “Let me use the latest Java Script framework,” and then it’s unusable and it just drives me nuts. So, I created this course and I actually ran it in sort of a higher touch fashion where I did coaching calls with a couple of people and they were like textbooks.

She was like, “Oh my developer set this up. He told me not to touch this. I can’t do that. I don’t have control of this. I don’t know my Google Analytics.” It’s like every mistake in the book and every time I talk to her I’m like, “Don’t ever tell me the name of this guy because I’m going to hunt him down.”

So, the course, basically, you can approach it one of two ways. One, if you’re one of those jump in technical people who likes that, you can jump in and create something that’s good enough to get you where you want to go and you can improve and build on it without having to tear the whole thing down once you start to get successful.

The other way you can approach it is you don’t know what you don’t know right now and that’s hurting you. The same way when we got our yard landscaped we didn’t know shit about landscaping so we hired somebody who was like, “I can do everything.” That guy wrecked our yard and ghosted us.

Everybody that I talked to almost has a developer story like that. “I paid a bunch of money for this thing and I’m not happy with it,” or, “It didn’t come out,” or, “It’s not even done,” or whatever. So, it will teach you what you don’t know so that if you just want to hire you will at least know how to find somebody who knows what the hell they’re doing and not get taken.

Rachel Rodgers: So, you have this course that you created three years ago, did you do a promotion for it? How did you put it back out there?

Kronda Adair: I just made that the call to action for all our social media because my framework is all about foundation and there’s mindset service and tech. So, since we’re in a pandemic and people can’t get to the meet-up tech is very on people’s minds right now. It’s a lot of the things that I already talk about and I just made that the call to action. If this is your pain point, if this is where you’re hurting, if you see yourself in this, this can help you and I would send them there.

Rachel Rodgers: I love it, so easy. Leslie, how did you market your thing?

Leslie Tagorda: Well, this is where I a little bit kind of dropped the ball.

Rachel Rodgers: And here you are.

Kronda Adair: This is you just phoning it in, still slaying.

Rachel Rodgers: That’s the thing that I want to point out. You can absolutely not do things perfectly and still make plenty of money, still get great results. So, perfection, let it go. Launches always come with a long list of things to do and you don’t have to do it that way. You could forget 17 other things and you can still make money. So, let go of perfection. I love that you said that. So, tell us what you did do though.

Leslie Tagorda: Okay, so what did I do? I went on my personal page which is very new for me and it’s very scary for me.

Rachel Rodgers: I love it. Oh my God, it’s like you exposed yourself to some people who know you in real life and you told them what you do. It’s amazing.

Leslie Tagorda: Yeah, exactly, and people are like, “Oh, I didn’t know you do that. I didn’t know you do that.” Of course, my family has no freaking clue what I do. They still do not understand me, as the Aquarian black sheep in my family. But I went on to my personal account and I really talked about all of my strengths.

I went straight to my number one strengths and I said, “You may know me from all of these different places in my life, as a musician, as a family member, all of these different types, but I’ve always been working in this one strength and I see this as the thread.”

Now, as a business of astrologer this is what I do. I help you find your meaning based in your stars, your star power. Megan helped me with that star power thing because I was so on point. I don’t know why I couldn’t figure that one little term before.

Rachel Rodgers: Yes.

Leslie Tagorda: So, I worked on my About page. I did that. I sent out one email. The people on my email list I have to start from scratch. I have to transition. They are not my people. Nobody from my list. I didn’t even put it in my group, in my free group, nobody in there from group.

Rachel Rodgers: Hmm, interesting.

Leslie Tagorda: Super illuminating.

Kronda Adair: I relate to that though because when GDPR came out I took that as an opportunity to just burn my list to the ground. I was basically like, I sent it out and was like if you don’t actively take action to stay here you’re gone and I started over.

Rachel Rodgers: Sometimes it’s like that where you start somewhere and maybe you’re selling a different kind of thing and who you are is different, but we all evolve as business owners. There’s no greater personal development as a business owner, right? So, we’re going to grow and change and rediscover ourselves in new ways and come back to ourselves in other ways and as all of that growth happens, sometimes the people on our list don’t recognize us from three years ago or five years ago when they first joined.

So, I think that happens and I think sometimes entrepreneurs will really allow the people on their list to hold them back from doing something different. Like, “I have these people on my list. I can’t possibly do anything else.” It’s like, there are people that exist in the world that aren’t on that list right now, so that’s okay.

I don’t remove people from my list. What I do is I just pummel them with the shit that I want to talk about and if you’re no longer interested in it you’re going to go away because I’m just going to keep talking about it, week after week, day after day and that’s what sort of helps to cleanse the list and keep it fresh and make sure that the people that are on there are interested in what you’re talking about now.

So, I love that you brought that up because I think that that’s a real barrier for a lot of people. How did you reach those people, Leslie?

Leslie Tagorda: I got a bunch of people from my personal page, I got a bunch of people from Instagram and a bunch of people from the shmillies. I was talking about it there and people were like, “Oh my God, I need that.”

Rachel Rodgers: Yes, awesome.

Kronda Adair: I’d love to say something about the list thing.

Rachel Rodgers: Yes, absolutely. Just give me one second. I just wanted to unpack that for a second. Your mailing list is where the magic is, typically, and that’s usually where you find your purchasers but you realize these are not the right people for this and then you just took advantage of everywhere else that you show up and those weren’t places that you would have previously have considered places where you’d find customers, is that right?

Leslie Tagorda: Yeah, on my personal page I had people like an old high school friend ended up being one of my clients and I was like, “Whoa, I no idea she was reading my stuff.” Another overworked lawyer, underearning, overworked lawyer.

Rachel Rodgers: There are so many, so many.

Kronda Adair: I just wanted to add about the list thing even though I did that a lot of people did take action to stay with me and a lot of people have been following me for many years and I have two people on my calendar for sales calls who have been following me for three, four, five years and they were like, “Oh, I watched you change,” and then I was like, “Oh, I need that.” There’s people that you’ll outgrow, but then there’s people that you’ll grow in –

Rachel Rodgers: Yeah, exactly, and they’ll stick with you through all of your life transitions, it’s true. Absolutely.

Leslie Tagorda: I love seeking out the unsubscribes though. Can I just say that I know some people find it super painful? But I’m like, “Ooh yeah, that person left, I finally bugged them enough for them to leave.”

Rachel Rodgers: Yes. It’s true. I know. It doesn’t bother me at all. I mean, I don’t even look anymore, to be honest, I don’t ever really go in Ontraport which is where that data is. It’s not one of those key metrics that my team is always sending to me. I mean, Josh, who’s our tech person, he like keeps an eye on it, but I agree with you, if you’re gone, bye.

Kronda Adair: Totally.

Rachel Rodgers: I can’t be anything but me. Okay, so what was your main motivation for participating in this challenge? Was it money? Was it personal growth? Did you want to have an expedited impact? What made you say, “Yes, I’m going to do this.”

Kronda Adair: Fat cash. I mean, let’s be honest. This time last year I was having the worst two months in my entire business, in six years of business. So, every vacation that I’ve taken previously I’ve been stressed about money. Like, yeah I went away and yeah, my clients were taken care of but there was this in the back of my brain like, “Okay, how am I going to make up for this lost time and how am I going to get back in the game?”

I would feel like I would get momentum and then it’d be like, “Let’s go on vacation.” So, I just wanted to keep my momentum and not stress about money while I was on vacation.

Rachel Rodgers: Yes, I love that. That’s the best. Leslie, what about you? What was your motivation?

Leslie Tagorda: Just to prove to myself that I could because this is like the first and only money goal I have ever made for myself. I have never achieved a money goal before and earlier I was saying well, money doesn’t motivate me, but in a way I feel like I’ve given away all of my power over the last couple of years of not earning my own keep. It feels like shit.

So, I was like, “Okay, I have to do this for myself to prove to myself that I can do this.” Now that I did it I’m like, next month I’ve got to do this again. How am I going to do this again?

Rachel Rodgers: Exactly! Exactly, that’s what happens is like once you open this door and realize, “I can make money happen whenever I want to,” then you’re like, “Oh well, I want to this week, too. So let me go do it.” That’s really what the goal of the challenge is is to really help you prove to yourselves. I love that. I love both of those so much.

I’ve been in both of those shoes with going on vacation and stressing about, “Oh my God, I’m spending money that I shouldn’t be spending.” Then, also stressing about I’m not at work and especially when I was a lawyer it was like, “Oh my God, there’s things piling up or there’s inquiries coming in that I’m not responding to fast enough because I’m on vacation.” Or I am trying to respond which also sucks.

Kronda Adair: That’s not vacation anymore. That’s just working from an exotic place.

Leslie Tagorda: Yeah, exactly. That’s workcation.

Rachel Rodgers: Exactly. So, tell me, was there any major obstacle that you experienced as you went through this challenge and how did you get around it?

Kronda Adair: I didn’t completely unplug and so there were a couple of things that happened where I had to jump in and just smooth it over, but looking back I also am really confident that had I just ignored it it would have gotten taken care of.

Rachel Rodgers: Yes. So, the biggest obstacle is yourself is what you’re saying?

Kronda Adair: Exactly, yeah, it’s just like yeah, stop checking.

Rachel Rodgers: Exactly, stop checking! It’s so true. You literally have to remove it from your phone. You have to let your phone die. You have to hide your phone in a pile under dirt, I don’t know what, but just get it away from you because otherwise you’re going to check.

But I love that. And the thing is when we are going so hard building a business over years it’s not going to be cold turkey in one week, right? So, I think that that’s very normal and I think the fact that you only checked in a couple of times is amazing instead of constantly every day and this is like you’re stretching that muscle of trust with your new team and then the next vacation you probably won’t check in at all or maybe you’ll only check in once. So, I think that that makes and that’s a growth edge, but I like it.

Leslie, what about you? What obstacles did you encounter along the way and how did you get around it?

Leslie Tagorda: Nothing really felt like an obstacle. Like, you just said about the growth edge, it felt like I was always touching on the growth edge, but because I had been doing all of this worthiness work and June was like all-Cancer month. So, we were, in my group, working the deep inner feelings and emo bullshit about money and stuff, so I’ve been doing this deep dive for a month.

When I was doing this work it felt more like, going back to the worksheet, what can I get rid of? What can I give up? Oh yeah, like cooking this week is going to go out the door, I’m not going to cook, even though I love to cook. I’m going to take lots of naps to just manage and contain my own energy because I knew how I could be I was proactively batting away the obstacles. Live on the edge.

Rachel Rodgers: I love that, building in the self-care ahead of time and that’s one of the things that we frequently do, especially with new programs when we’re starting people on a new program or course or something. We also ask them, what are your top five obstacles that you’re going to come against and how can we start to address them now?

What are your top five go-to excuses? Maybe it’s, I’m tired, so you built in napping. Maybe it’s I’m too busy so you eliminated cooking. I love that so much. Doing that ahead of time so that you have the space and time and energy to really go all in. That’s fantastic.

Leslie Tagorda: But can I just like a bookend to that? We have a few more days in July and I still am $1,000 short of that freaking ultimate July goal. I made the $10,000 in five days, I was like, whoa.

Kronda Adair: Nice.

Leslie Tagorda: But then I took the gas off because I was like, “Oh, I’ve got this, now I’m just cruising.” But then like, I’m like this close from the finish line and I didn’t get there yet, so I’m still kicking myself. Now the obstacle is showing up, not in the 10 days.

Kronda Adair: Same, I’m like what can I do in July? Where can I get money these last few days?

Rachel Rodgers: I love that so much and this is exactly how I am trying to train y’all to think. Now, the whole point of the challenge is to get you to start to see if you actually stop just reading all the rules and reading everything that exists online and allowing yourself to think about how it should be or what you have to do or the 17 things you have to do before you can make sales again and you just start thinking about, if I needed to make money now, what would I do? And then go do that thing.

We did this, because we were like, well, before we can open the club, I mean, we wanted to have some time because we were building systems and stuff and then we were like before we could open the club again we should build a funnel, an evergreen funnel and then rework the funnel, do all these things. So, this was on our to-do list for like two months that we didn’t get to because we were busy serving all of our clients and all the other things going on. I made this rule and I was like, actually, I think if we just opened this apart like it would actually –

Kronda Adair: Let people pay you, they might.

Rachel Rodgers: We just made it available, so like get rid of the obstacles.

Kronda Adair: Can I just say that I love the example that you set in June has been so helpful for me this month because I was like, “Hey, I’m like four clients away from 50K,” which I’ve never done in my business.

Rachel Rodgers: Yes!

Kronda Adair: I was like, there’s got to be four people out here that want this genius. Let me go find them. So, I literally was like, let me go to my group and be like, “Hey, this is what’s happening. If you’re on the fence, now would be a great time to get off.” So, I’m still working on it, but I’m going for it.

Rachel Rodgers: I love it, and I would send that in an email because I think it’s so juicy to be like, “Look, I’m four people away from hitting a mega milestone. Help me do it. Here’s what I got. Are you in? Let me know by tomorrow.”

Kronda Adair: It’s going out today.

Rachel Rodgers: I love it! Hit that 50K. It’s so good! Now, I don’t even remember what my question was. Or no, I think we answered that question so we’re ready for the next question. I got distracted because we were talking about hitting the deadline and that just makes me excited. Okay, so what was the highest point of the challenge for you? Was there a moment that you were like, “Oh shit, I am living this life,” or, “I have accomplished something amazing.” Or whatever or you just felt good because you were going for it? Was there a high point for you?

Kronda Adair: Every time I get a Stripe notification. I literally am like – there’s a photo that I posted a lot since I got back and it’s me laying in a hammock reading a novel while this money comes in. Isn’t that the dream? So, that definitely was the high point. I’m just cooking over the gas stove and letting my dog run in the woods and we’re seeing elk in the morning and then like, “Oh a Stripe notification.” Does it get better than that? I don’t know.

Rachel Rodgers: Yeah. No, that’s pretty epic, I love it, I love it. Leslie, how about you, what was the high point of the challenge for you?

Leslie Tagorda: The high point was like calling in all of these next-level entrepreneurs that I want to be working with that I know that I’m meant to serve and getting over – so one of the laundry list of things that I couldn’t do is like who I am to serve these high achievers when I’m not yet a high achiever? Because even myself, I’m calling them the high achievers and I’m not saying that I’m a high achiever. Of course, I’m a fucking high achiever.

Rachel Rodgers: Yes, exactly!

Leslie Tagorda: So, then the people that decided to work with me in this it’s like they are like my dream customers. I love seeing them thrive. I love seeing them expand like 50%. I love seeing them break out of their zones of excellence and how excited they are to work with their own energy. Oh my God, that’s the dream for me.

It’s like, again, not so much money – yes, I want money, but it’s like working with these other luminaries. That’s my high point.

Rachel Rodgers: Because it’s one thing to get a money chime, but it’s a whole another level to get a money chime that’s like somebody you’re so excited to work with, particularly when it’s a service-based thing. When it’s a product, it’s a little easier. You’re kind of like, “I don’t care who buys it.”

Not exactly, but it’s different, right? When you’re working with them one-on-one and it’s an intimate relationship and you see the person, you get a money chime and that’s exciting but then when you realize it’s your dream client, you’re like, “Oh shit.”

Leslie Tagorda: It’s like a star-studded list, man. I’ve been working on my energy because normally I would get intimidated. Say, like, Rachel if you’re like, “Hey, Leslie, can I have an Astro-Band reading?” I’d be like, “Oh fuck. Can I do this? Am I going to do this? She’s already aligned.” All the self-talk, right?

So, as all the star-studded list of people started coming in I’m like, “Okay, Leslie, they came to you for a reason. You have this gift. It’s not like they don’t have this. You can still show shining your bright light.” It was like that whole next level of putting the energies together.

I think I can handle now, so if Oprah, if you called me, and said, “Hey, Leslie, can you read my chart?” I’d be like, “Yeah, I got it. I got it now.” Six months ago, not so much.

Rachel Rodgers: Everybody in the chat is like, “Me, too. Me, too.” I love that. Yes. We all experience that. I did a VIP day with a celebrity client a couple of weeks ago, actually the same day I hit that million-dollar month, what the hell were the stars saying that day, Leslie? Because whoa, I was in a VIP day all day with a celebrity client which that alone was like whoa, right?

Leslie Tagorda: Send me the date. I’ll look your chart up, I’ve got your info.

Rachel Rodgers: June 30th. It was June 30th.

Leslie Tagorda: June 30th, okay, 2020.

Kronda Adair: She’s like, “Wait, I got to get my stuff.”

Rachel Rodgers: Yeah, I have imposter syndrome, too. I don’t think it ever goes away. I would be surprised if Oprah, I mean, maybe not Oprah, but Beyonce I’m sure still has imposter syndrome. Oprah, I don’t know. She’s kind of auntie-level status.

Kronda Adair: Can I make a confession?

Rachel Rodgers: Sure.

Kronda Adair: I don’t have imposter syndrome. Whatever the opposite of imposter syndrome is that’s what I have. Not to say that I never fuck up or I haven’t and I think it’s because I have done some fuck-ups and now I know my lane. I know my lane, so if you come to my lane I’m going to be like, I got you, you’re in my lane, it’s fine.

That’s not to say I don’t have things that are going to stretch me, but it’s very strange for me because imposter syndrome is everywhere and I’m just like, “No, I know my shit. I work for this.” I 100% attribute that to my mom and my grandmother.

Rachel Rodgers: I love that. They did a good job of instilling confidence in you, right? That’s super important. I agree. I think it’s one of the most important jobs as parents is to help with that and just having that confidence from childhood, but it’s true. That’s a beautiful thing and that’s what we all aspire to, right? To have that level of confidence, which does bring me to my next question though which is, what do you need to do next?

So, let’s say like you hit your 50K goal, you get those last couple clients, Leslie, and that last $1,000 and probably a little bit more over the next two days. What do you need to do next? How do you need to grow next in your business coming off of this win?

Kronda Adair: Oh my goodness. It’s already in motion. So, one is I’ve never been great about metrics and tracking money, even though I love data and I’m like a super nerd. Part of that was just the space-time continuum. I was out here getting this money and I just didn’t have the time and space. So, I hired Megan and we’re doing money mapping together. I’m super excited about that.

Then I need to hire an Operations Manager like yesterday so I’m working on that in this next month. Then I also hired another shmillies Noelia Sanchez. She’s going to help me get my podcast together because I remember in one of the calls, Rachel, you’re like, “What do you mean you don’t have a podcast? You’re such a loudmouth.” You didn’t say that part, but I know you were thinking it.

I know it’s ridiculous that I don’t have a podcast, so all of those things are going to happen in the next 60 days.

Rachel Rodgers: Is there anything that scares you about that, about the Operations Manager in particular?

Kronda Adair: Hiring has always been a challenge for me and I know every successful person that I follow is always like fire fast and I’ve made the mistake that makes that real for me. So, it’s just like getting someone who really understands me and my business and can basically kind of be – it’s like I need to duplicate myself because I need someone to first learn to get the shit done and then if we get to expand they can train the other people to get shit done.

So, I really want my ride or die person who gets me, who comes in and is like let me take this half-formed thought and make it amazing and you have nothing to do with it. So, I’m not like scared about it, but I just know I need to find the right person.

Rachel Rodgers: Yes, for sure. One of the things that I’ll suggest that a friend of mine who’s a coach told me to do when I was looking for my Operations Director way back when – obviously you guys have our hiring process which works. I mean that’s exactly the process that we’re using right now to grow our business, so I highly recommend that.

But even before you get to that I love the idea of just journaling on who is this person? Not just their qualifications or their experience or whatever, but how you imagine working with them, what would say, what’s their demeanor, where are they located? Just thinking of that dream person I think it’s a good idea to have that written down in a journal somewhere and then start going through the hiring process. Then when you get to your top three candidates go back to that journal entry and say, “Is this the person that I was looking for?”

Kronda Adair: I love that.

Rachel Rodgers: And just make sure that they match. It’s like checking your math, right?

Kronda Adair: Yes, I love that. Thank you. That’s so good. I’ve got two notebooks right here at my desk, I’m on it.

Rachel Rodgers: You’re ready. I love it. Okay, so for you, Leslie, what do you need to do next? Where do you need to grow?

Leslie Tagorda: I need to simplify things. I need to learn how to repurpose and manage my energy more. I feel like I have in the last two years have created and amassed all of this content, but now how do I regenerate the content so that I can replicate this income without working so hard, right?

Rachel Rodgers: Yes.

Leslie Tagorda: Because the offer that I have now will not be sustainable unless I double the price, which I feel like I could. So, just kind of putting on my strategic hat or I don’t know if there’s somebody – can you hire out somebody who’s more strategic because that’s like low on my list. Oh, automation, I’m just saying. Yes, so looking at that how do I replicate this money over and over again but making it easy?

Rachel Rodgers: Yeah, and was it hard? Was this experience doing the challenge hard in terms of executing the marketing that you were doing?

Leslie Tagorda: God no because I didn’t really market. I mean, I did maybe like three posts and an email.

Rachel Rodgers: That’s marketing. You know? Well, what I’m saying is that marketing doesn’t have to be hard. Putting up three posts and an email those are the kinds of things that generate sales.

Kronda Adair: Pony post.

Rachel Rodgers: That’s what marketing is. You don’t have to necessarily hustle your heart out to market yourself. So, I love that idea and I think one of the things that it makes me think of when you say, how do I repurpose all of this content? Is that makes me think of either a Marketing Assistant or a Content Manager, but it might be time for you to hire somebody on your team to basically be capturing the genius that you have to say like my team.

They’re like, “Oh, you did that live. We’re going to put that on the podcast.” I’m like great, because I have zero time to record the podcast this week. I don’t even know what’s on the podcast. I’m like, “Oh yeah, you’re right. At said some things at some point. Great, put that on the podcast.”

Somebody who’s available to say this is all the places that you’re creating amazing content let’s repackage it and put it here. Let’s repackage it and put it there and that’s something that a marketing assistant can absolutely help you with.

Kronda Adair: That’s exactly who I hired.

Rachel Rodgers: Yes, I love that.

Kronda Adair: Because I have a content library, it’s just like an air table full of stuff that I’ve said in the last six years and I just say here’s the theme, and she goes and takes it and plans it out and I just have to quick approve it because we’re still getting to know each other, but if you like my Instagram right now, that is not me. Unless you see my breakfast or my dog. So, it’s totally possible for people to take the genius that you’ve already put out in the world and repurpose it.

Rachel Rodgers: Yes, so good. I like it and you can even get a social media manager kind of company that can do it for like $1,200 a month or $1,500 a month somewhere in there, it depends on how much you have them doing, but they can take over your social media and dig through your old content. That’s something that they definitely do. So, that doesn’t have to be a full-time role, but I love that idea.

So, tell us about the pricing. What’s stopping you from doubling the price on Saturday? Throw that out there, on August 1st like two days from now or even today as an option?

Leslie Tagorda: Gosh, I should. Maybe that’ll be the scarcity one. I wanted to test it out because I haven’t even really finished delivering because it’s a 90-day thing, and I’m building up the template for the reports right now, so that’s kind of taking up some time. But I know once I have the template created it’s just going to be really snappy for me. Yeah, I feel like with this I do need to double the price.


Kronda Adair: I have an idea.

Leslie Tagorda: Okay.

Kronda Adair: I have an idea for you. Okay, so every time you get glowing feedback from your clients then you have to raise the price.

Leslie Tagorda: Okay, by how much? By an exponential or by a percentage?

Kronda Adair: You can do a percentage. I mean you’re trying to get to double so say I have to do 20% for every glowing review and then it shouldn’t take you long to get to double.

Leslie Tagorda: It’s probably already double.

Rachel Rodgers: Well, I think we can go ahead and double it completely right now and you can count on that glowing, positive commentary will come in.

Leslie Tagorda: It’s doubled.

Rachel Rodgers: But I also think you could certainly throw your last bet or a couple more and say, “Hey, this new offer, it was a beta, it’s been wildly successful thus far, super excited. I’m actually going to be raising the price on this offer on August 1st so if you want to get in on the beta you’ve got till tomorrow.”

I bet you you’ll get a couple of more and then first of all, it’ll make you some money right now and then it will commit you going forward and what’s stopping you from booking the next 90-day session now? Open it up and let those people start buying who are the next 90 days that you’re going to be accepting clients.

Leslie Tagorda: I’m so excited about that. I love it so much and I hear all of the loud self-doubt screaming and I can hear it but I’m going to do it.

Rachel Rodgers: What do you have self-doubt about? Where’s the self-doubt coming from?

Leslie Tagorda: The self-doubt is nobody is going to pay it. Nobody is going to pay that much.

Kronda Adair: But then you haven’t lost anything. You just tried and that’s probably not going to happen for one.

Leslie Tagorda: Yes, Grace, us astrologers are expensive. To the people that aren’t supposed to be starving they sneeze $2,000 like Rachel, Kronda, you guys sneeze $2,000.

Kronda Adair: You just lumped me in with Rachel can we just pause?

Leslie Tagorda: Yes, I mean, hello confidence extraordinaire, $50,000 months.

Rachel Rodgers: So wait, the offer is $2,000 or what is the offer?

Leslie Tagorda: Currently, the offer is, $1,111.

Kronda Adair: You need to triple it. I take back what I said before, just triple it now.

Leslie Tagorda: It’s only two hours of phone calls.

Rachel Rodgers: No, but they can send you questions, that’s the part that I’m like, “Hmm.”

Kronda Adair: Every time somebody says, “It’s only this many hours,” I just cringe. What about the value of what you’re giving them?

Rachel Rodgers: It’s only a decade of experience. It’s only all of this magic and genius.

Leslie Tagorda: No, Rachel this is lifetimes of experience. I had this Akashic record meeting and they’re like, “Yeah, you’ve been an astrologer for many lifetimes.” I’m like, no wonder. Ever since I was a little girl I was like I’m going to be astronomer because I didn’t what an astrologer was. Lifetime of experience.

Rachel Rodgers: [Inaudible] “I’m offended by that price. I’m deeply offended.”

Leslie Tagorda: Okay, guys. So, who wants my last one for $2,222?

Rachel Rodgers: Listen, I’m telling you, $2,500. Sell the last spot because it’ll make you feel good to sell it and then August 1st, you want to go $2,222 because that’s like a sacred number or something cool. I like $2,500, but I think that works, too.

I think that’s good. Even if you can’t get yourself there then bump it up like Kronda said. Bump it up 20%, go up to $1,500. Inch your way there if you really can’t bring yourself to do it because it’ll just help you to prove that you are worth it and that your clients will see that you’re worth it.

Kronda Adair: Well, and you have to be able to say it without cringing. You have to be able to say the number without being like –

Rachel Rodgers: And just don’t be on Zoom.

Kronda Adair: Right, just don’t do video. Just do email.

Leslie Tagorda: Okay, I can totally do it.

Rachel Rodgers: Yeah, announce that you’re raising your prices on August 1st and then allow yourself the next day and a half to decide what that number is going to be. But just that you are raising it though at some point to some number, we just don’t know which one yet.

Leslie Tagorda: I’m going to double it. I’ll just make it easy, double.

Rachel Rodgers: I love that.

Leslie Tagorda: Thanks for the coaching, guys.

Rachel Rodgers: You are so welcome, that’s what we’re here for. Any thoughts from you guys in the chat? Any questions or thoughts? Anything you want to share or anything that you took away from what Kronda and Leslie shared that you want to take action on? Let us know in the chat what you’re thinking you guys and there’s only four of you so I will call you out. I will call on each of you one by one.

So tell me what your takeaways are. Was there anything that inspired you to take certain action or something you can do going forward? Let us know. Said, “I’m really intrigued by the thing of being willing to let go of your list.”

Yes, yes. Move on, it’s okay. “[inaudible] paying me shit.” Yes, exactly. And you don’t have to delete them or whatever, but you can just let them know, this is the new me. Introduce them to who you are now and what you charge now and they can opt in or out.

I think sometimes we’ve been underestimating ourselves, but our clients have been watching us like, “Girl, I been knew you were the bomb.” So, all it takes is just reaching out to them.

“It affirms me paying more for Facebook Ads right now because I’m building my list. My old list does nothing for me.” Yes, y’all ain’t got nothing for me.

Kronda Adair: What have you done for me lately? Nothing.

Rachel Rodgers: Exactly. “Just making it easy.” Yes, I like that, too. I agree. Like letting go of the hard. “Let it be easy,” is one of the things that I say to myself all the time when I get worked up and caught up and I really don’t like too many steps. I really like simplicity. So, too many steps and then I’m like, “I’m not interested in that thing anymore.” So, I always have to ask myself, “What takes away the friction? How can it be easy?”

“[inaudible] sorry, no one has seen my brilliant banter.” I know. “It affirms following intuition and unique offering way of being in business.” Absolutely. I love that. So true.

The thing is, Leslie, even when the thing that you really want to do is one-on-one if you do it you will discover ways that you can do it in a scalable way. You will eventually be able to turn that into a course or you’ll eventually be able to turn that into a group program. You’ll find ways to scale no matter what so it’s okay.

Leslie Tagorda: I have those.

Rachel Rodgers: Yeah, no, I know you have those. I know you have those, but I’m saying you can even take this exact thing and do it in a different format at some point once you have experience doing it and have experience doing this in this setting with this many people at one time and you’ll find ways where like, “Oh, they keep asking the same questions over and over again.” There’s a different way. There’s a more efficient way.

Money Goal. “I’m really bad about goals and I’m working on this. Totally resonated with you all finishing the worksheet by the way.” Yes, shout out to my worksheet.

Kronda Adair: I didn’t even look at the worksheet. I was packing. I did not look at the worksheet.

Rachel Rodgers: I love having those two examples. One went all in on the worksheet, the other one completely ignored it.

Leslie Tagorda: I even finished it. Like, yesterday I finished all of the reflection questions. I’m like, “Oh, this is so good.”

Rachel Rodgers: Yes.

Kronda Adair: I think I’ll go back to it.

Rachel Rodgers: Reflection. We just did reflection together, but I think it’s important to unpack when you do something, what worked, what didn’t work because we want to make sure we capture the learning and apply it to whatever we do going forward, so if you’re like this challenge didn’t work out that great for me, cool, why not? What was in the way? What were the obstacles? What didn’t you overcome? Was it just not the right time?

Whatever it is let’s look at it and let’s see how we can use whatever we learn from looking at it to move forward. If you have a ton of success, it’s like great. What did I do? Okay, maybe I can just keep doing that. Keep doing that’s working, don’t stop. So, I love it.

Leslie Tagorda: [inaudible] said yesterday about the reflection part is so important. That changed everything.

Rachel Rodgers: What did she say yesterday because I wasn’t there for that? Oh in the challenge thing?

Leslie Tagorda: Yeah, the challenge thing, the way that adults learn like if we just don’t reflect the fact of what we did we didn’t actually learn it.

Rachel Rodgers: It’s so true. It’s so incredibly important. I agree. I’m big on unpacking and I do it all the time like looking at the month, looking at the week, looking at the quarter, looking at the last six months, looking at the last nine months, looking at the 12 months, looking at the last three years. I am obsessed with looking at the analytics and the data and I think that helps me to know what to do next.

I mean, coaches help me, too, a ton. I have two coaches right now, but the other things that help as well is looking at the data because it’ll tell you exactly what you need to be doing.

Krona Adair: I listened to an amazing podcast about that exact topic this morning.

Rachel Rodgers: Yes, yes, I’m big on metrics. We’re actually starting to build into the club all kinds of metrics that you can submit and then you’ll be able to look at your data over time and eventually – I mean, this is like my big dream that I’ve not shared – I don’t even think the whole Hello Seven team knows, I think the leadership team knows, but my big dream is to create software. Is to build this into a software where there will always be live coaching. It’ll always be similar to what it is now, but to have our own proprietary software that you get with it that just helps will all of these different pieces and the data collection will be a piece of it. Well, anywho, all right you guys, this was fun.

Kronda Adair: Thanks for having me.

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